Date & Time
Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Location Name
Monroe, Jefferson & Madison (Combined)
Session Type
Multiple Speaker Presentation
Intended Audience
Recovery Residence Owners and Operators
Level of Experience
Intermediary -- Attendees should be familiar with basic aspects of topic and/or recovery housing.

This workshop will give knowledge to the audience on how to provide services to those in recovery residences through a Recovery Community Center or Recovery Community Organization. Through the experience of people that operate Recovery Community Organizations and Recovery Housing, attendees will learn to build on existing efforts, enhance, refine, and fill in gaps when needed while avoiding duplication and not “re-creating the wheel.” This 60 minute presentation will be broken into (3) 20-minutes segments. Presentation by Presenter 1 Presentation by Presenter 2 Open Q&A by Audience Needs: Projector and Screen for Powerpoint presentations

Learning objectives:

How to be a leader in the community and be a positive role model for people in recovery and/or are seeking recovery.
RCO best practices
How to recruit the recovery community and allies to support your organization
Creating a vision for your RCO from hope, lived experience, and authenticity
How to serve the community and those in recovery residences
Ethical practices
Incorporating Peer Support into the Recovery Residence model
Counselor Skill Group
Case Management
Session Materials