Date & Time
Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Location Name
Capital Ballroom (1-4)
Session Type
Single-Speaker Presentation
Intended Audience
Operators and personnel at recovery residences.
Level of Experience
Introductory -- No prior experience with topic needed.

When Congress passed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), it recognized that discrimination against individuals with disabilities persists in critical areas, including housing and social services. The ADA established a national mandate for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with disabilities by providing strong and enforceable standards. The ADA requirements apply to a variety of healthcare and social services providers, including recovery residences. The Centers for Disease Control reports that approximately 25 percent of the population have one or more disability. The ADA protects people with a variety of disabilities, including communication and mobility disabilities, mental illness, and many medical conditions such as HIV. Further, the ADA applies to all services that covered entities provide, including housing, support group meetings and websites. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (“SAMHSA”) reports that people with disabilities have a higher rate of substance use disorder and serious mental illness and lower treatment rates than adults without co-occurring disabilities. This presentation will cover a variety of ADA issues that may arise in recovery residences, such as ensuring that: (1) individuals who are taking a prescribed and FDA approved medication for substance use disorder are not denied admission because they are taking prescribed medication; (2) individuals with communication disabilities are provided appropriate auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication; (3) recovery residences do not have physical access issues for individuals with mobility disabilities; and (4) individuals who have HIV are not denied admission to recovery residences.

Upon completion of this session, attendees will:
• Be able to identify ADA issues in recovery residences.
• Have information on the steps that recovery residences should be taking to comply with the ADA.
• Have a list of organizations who may be able to assist recovery residences to comply with the ADA.
Counselor Skill Group
Not Applicable
Session Materials
Additional Session Materials