Steven Gordon
Full Name
Mr. Steven Gordon
Job Title
Civil Rights Enforcement Coordinator & Assistant United States Attorney
United States Department of Justice
Speaker Bio
Assistant United States Attorney Steven E. Gordon has been an attorney with the Federal Government since 1992. As the Civil Rights Enforcement Coordinator for the US Attorney’s Office in the Eastern District of Virginia and driving force behind that office’s District-wide Civil Rights Enforcement Program, Mr. Gordon pursues civil rights enforcement cases, engages in extensive community outreach, and provides guidance to less experienced attorneys. Mr. Gordon’s Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) cases include those involving the largest group home provider in Virginia. Mr. Gordon’s community engagement activities include working on ways to enhance ADA compliance by providing technical assistance on how to comply with the ADA and increasing collaboration between those with rights and those with responsibilities under the ADA. Mr. Gordon has made presentations for the Virginia Opioid Abatement Authority on the ADA’s requirement that criminal justice entities, including correctional facilities and drug courts, ensure that individuals have access to medications that treat opioid use disorder. Mr. Gordon has authored Dear Colleague Letters explaining the ADA’s requirements in healthcare settings and has presented widely on a variety of disability rights topics to many audiences, including an Informational Meeting on the ADA’s requirements in healthcare settings that drew 1,400 participants. Mr. Gordon has made numerous presentations to leading disability law conferences, including the Jacobus tenBroek Disability Law Symposium, the National ADA Symposium and the American Health Law Association.

Mr. Gordon has received recognition for his advocacy, including from The Alexandria Commission for Disabilities, which selected Mr. Gordon for the John Duty Collins III Outstanding Advocate for Persons with Disabilities Award and The Arc of Loudoun which selected Mr. Gordon for its Sherwood R. Simons A Life Like Yours Award. Mr. Gordon earned his BA from Brandeis University and his JD from Northeastern University School of Law.
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