Date & Time
Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Location Name
Capital Ballroom (5-8)
Session Type
Multiple Speaker Presentation
Intended Audience
Recovery housing operators and their staff. Clinical providers and their staff
Level of Experience
Intermediary -- Attendees should be familiar with basic aspects of topic and/or recovery housing.

In this session, participants will explore the development and implementation of a Recovery-Oriented System of Care (ROSC) partnership between River City Comprehensive Counseling Services and True Recovery RVA. This collaboration seeks to integrate clinical substance use disorder treatment services with recovery housing, creating a holistic approach to support individuals in recovery.

1) Policy Implementation: Detailed discussion on the policies developed to govern recovery housing, ensuring they support the overall goals of the ROSC partnership. This will cover admission criteria, housing standards, resident responsibilities, and mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating housing quality and effectiveness.

2) Engagement Strategies: Techniques and approaches to engage participants in both clinical services and recovery support services centered in recovery housing. This includes motivational interviewing, peer support, case management, and the use of recovery capital evaluations to tailor services to individual needs.

3) Integrated Support Services: How to effectively integrate clinical services such as counseling, medication-assisted treatment (MAT), and mental health services with recovery support services like peer coaching, life skills training, and vocational support, ensuring a comprehensive support system for residents.

4) Outcomes Measurement: An examination of both clinical and recovery outcomes from this partnership. This includes data on treatment retention, relapse rates, housing stability, employment rates, and overall quality of life improvements among participants. Success stories and case studies will be presented to illustrate the positive impact of this integrated approach.
Counselor Skill Group
Not Applicable
Session Materials