Date & Time
Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Location Name
Capital Ballroom (5-8)
Session Type
Fireside Chat
Intended Audience
New &emerging NARR affiliates, policymakers, & recovery housing advocates
Level of Experience
Intermediary -- Attendees should be familiar with basic aspects of topic and/or recovery housing.

This roundtable discussion brings together representatives from two emerging NARR affiliates: the Recovery Residence Alliance of Montana (RRAM) and the New York State Alliance of Recovery Residences (NYSARR). Despite operating in vastly different state landscapes, both organizations face similar challenges in establishing and growing their presence. Participants will explore the unique strategies each affiliate has employed to implement NARR standards, engage with policymakers, and build partnerships in their respective states. The session will highlight RRAM's rapid growth. RRAM has grown from zero certified recovery homes in 2021 to 44 homes with 217 beds as of mid-2024, with projections to reach 59 homes and 399 beds by the end of the year. NYSARR's experience navigating the complex regulatory environment of New York and addressing the needs of a large, diverse population will provide valuable insights. Discussions will cover topics such as voluntary certification processes, advocacy efforts, and the role of technology in streamlining operations. This dynamic exchange will offer practical insights for both new and established affiliates, showcasing how different approaches can lead to successful outcomes in varied state contexts. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in developing strong NARR affiliates and promoting quality recovery housing.

1. Identify key strategies for implementing NARR standards in different state contexts.
2. Discuss effective approaches to engaging policymakers and shaping recovery housing legislation.
3. Explore innovative methods for growing affiliate membership and expanding certified recovery residences.
4. Examine the role of technology in supporting affiliate operations and facilitating growth.
Counselor Skill Group
Not Applicable
Session Materials