If you are registering for one or more individuals but are NOT registering yourself, please read!

All questions refer to the individual being registered, unless noted otherwise. To begin this section, enter the email address of the first attendee. Once all information is entered, follow directions to add additional attendees, taking you back to this page. Answer all questions as the second attendee, and so on.

Note: All attendees must create a password. If you are registering for a group of people, each person listed will need a password to access their profile and content. Select a password then share it along with their registration information and link to this site. When they first log in using their email address, they should change their password.

The attendee email address and password grants access to this registration page after submission to change profile details. Note that our cancellation policy will apply if you are unable to attend the event.

If you've registered for our past summits, you can speed up your registration by logging back into your contact profile. Simply enter your previously used email and password.

Begin Registration

Note: The Discount Code entry box has been moved to the Payment Page for your convenience. Refer there for details.

Creating a password lets you log back in to modify your registration, and speeds up your next registration.

Thank you for joining us.

Affiliate members include staff/volunteers of a state affiliate or emerging organization & its certified recovery residences. If you aren't affiliated with us in any of these ways, select "No". Answer cannot be modified after submission.