Steven Polin
Full Name
Mr. Steven Polin
Job Title
Law Office of Steven G. Polin
Speaker Bio
Steven G. Polin is an attorney in private practice in Washington, DC. His practice focuses primarily on the application of the Federal Fair Housing Act as it pertains to exclusionary zoning enforcement to persons with disabilities residing in a group living environment. He also serves as General Counsel to Oxford House, Inc. and continues to represent Oxford House in numerous zoning issues involving municipalities throughout the country. His practice is national in scope and he also represents other providers of housing for persons in recovery from alcoholism and substance abuse in such jurisdictions as Florida, California, Texas, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Maryland and New Jersey.Mr. Polin is the 2016 recipient of the Vernon Johnson Award from Faces and Voices of Recovery for his individual advocacy on behalf of persons in recovery. He is a 1995 recipient of the Public Justice Achievement Award, Trial Lawyers for Public Justice, for his outstanding contributions to the protection of civil rights and the public interest as co-counsel in Lebens v. Country Creek Association, Inc. 1995. In addition, in 2000, he was the recipient of the Founder's Award, Oxford House, Inc., for leadership and perseverance in assuring equal protection under the law for Oxford House residents and Oxford House expansion.
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