Date & Time
Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
Location Name
Grand Ballroom
Level of Experience
Introductory -- No prior experience with topic needed.

Recovery housing is flourishing and is now the most widely available class of SUD recovery support infrastructure. The new science of recovery milestones and the measurable impact of stigma are valuable in understanding how to enhance long term recovery. This talk will describe the non-linear trajectory of recovery vital signs, as well as the impact of stigma on the provision, quality and allocation of resources. The session will conclude with a summary of the scientific literature on the effectiveness of recovery housing.


Describe the non-linear trajectory of recovery vital signs and who needs what when.
Examine the impact of stigmatizing language as a barrier to resources for substance use disorder.
Describe how we know that recovery housing is effective.