Date & Time
Monday, October 7, 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location Name
Monroe, Jefferson & Madison (Combined)
Session Type
Single-Speaker Presentation
Intended Audience
Designed for people working in recovery settings seeking to enhance skills, and leadership skills.
Level of Experience
Introductory -- No prior experience with topic needed.

This course offers an in-depth exploration of peer support, uniquely framed by the speaker's lived experience. Having reshaped the landscape of peer support through their journey of incarceration, recovery housing, and peer support, the speaker brings a profound perspective to the subject. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a peer support specialist, techniques for building supportive relationships, and strategies for effective communication. The course also covers best practices for supervision, emphasizing the benefits of peer workers being supervised by peer supervisors. This approach enhances understanding, improves communication, and increases motivation, all informed by the speaker's personal journey and insights into the transformative power of peer support.

Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the key roles and responsibilities of peer support specialists, including ethical considerations and boundaries, informed by real-world experiences of the speaker.
Participants will learn and practice techniques for building supportive relationships and effective communication strategies, drawing on the speaker's lived experience and insights from their journey through incarceration, recovery housing, and peer support.
Participants will explore best practices for peer supervision, emphasizing the unique advantages of having peer workers supervised by peer supervisors, and will understand how this model can enhance understanding, communication, and motivation within peer support services.
Counselor Skill Group
Not Applicable
Session Materials