Date & Time
Monday, October 9, 2023, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Location Name
The Plaza Ballroom
Session Type
Single-Speaker Presentation
Intended Audience
Sober Living Home operators, Community Stakeholders, Government Officials, and Credentialing bodies.
Level of Experience
Introductory -- No prior experience with topic needed.

Personal Experience with discharging persons who return to active use, the science and importance of maintaining an abstinence based environment, and the process by which we can develop, fund, and operate a Peer Respite Center that provides the short term housing solution for persons who return to active use and need a space to reside, but whom may not meet the medical threshold for care or have the means to check themselves into a private detox or treatment program.

To raise awareness to how we as a community can work within the ideals of housing first principles without sacrificing the abstinence based model that traditional sober living homes are built upon.
Counselor Skill Group
Discharge and Continuing Care
Session Materials